I don't know wtf you're talking about. I myself run several github wikis where any regged githuber can write whatever he wants and I never saw a single spam post. Not one. Your argument is as fake as all the Lemburg baloney.

Also what do you mean with "advertising" ?

You mean, you want to keep every py user hostage to a cr*p wiki and not allow them to see what a real wiki can be like, such as



What kind of control freak are you ? I also challenge you on my earlier point about whether the pywiki would get spammed hard in 2017 again unless maybe it has no anti-spam measures at all, which would raise the question of why you are admins in the first place of such a wiki.

On 27.06.2017 05:29, Alex Walters wrote:
Can you please stop flooding the list?

The spam policy isn't going to change.  Yes it sucks that we have to go
through this, but we don't have the manpower to handle the spam if we only
had automated logins.  There are a lot of project wikis that are like this,
including postgres and *every single GitHub wiki* by default.

If you want to manage the automated spam that besieges wikis around the net,
by all means do so.  Announce it on psf-community.  This list is about the
web infrastructure run by the psf.  Advertising here isn't helpful, and is a
great way to dilute your own point with ill will.

For a wiki of the size and reach of the pywiki to attract only ~ 20 new
Editors in all of 2017 is an abysmal failure.

The people responsible for this disaster are the wiki admins of course
(Lemburg et. al.), who run the place as if they were bosses of it and
they owned the wiki like a cotton plantation. They run an iron-fist
rejection policy ever since 2013.

Yet they ignore well founded criticism and want to stick to their
disaster plan like the Tory party of GB.

It seems more timely than ever to look out for new admins to replace
these people as as soon as possible.

Anybody throws in his hat?

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