On 31.10.2018 09:27, Alex Garel wrote:
> Le 30/10/2018 à 23:09, M.-A. Lemburg a écrit :
>> It's possible that OpenID using Launchpad stopped working. I believe
>> Google auth also doesn't work anymore.
>> Perhaps we ought to remove the OpenID mentions from the login page.
>> I just don't know where exactly to look for this in the templates.
> "grep OpenIDAuth" should be your friend, see
> https://moinmo.in/HelpOnAuthentication

If it were that easy :-) We are using a custom template for the

> Do you think my normal registration did not work because my email was
> burnt by OpenID tentative ?

Ok, I just tried Launchpad OpenID login and it is still working,
so either you were experiencing a time of high load on the server
which caused an internal timeout for OpenID verification or
something is wrong with your OpenID setup (LP moved to their
Ubuntu One SSO system a while ago, which introduced a couple
of changes).

Another possibility is that creating an account with OpenID
login fails generally for some reason.

The test I ran was for my account, but I have a password one
and only added OpenID for testing purposes some years ago.

I checked the log files but could not find any hint as to
what was going wrong. They are full of break-in attempts,
but no clear sign of an OpenID failure.

Could you please try again and give me the UTC timestamp of
when you tried. I can then narrow down the search in the log

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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