On 31.10.2018 16:15, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 10/31/18 8:53 AM, Alex Garel wrote:
>>> I just tried from here and got the same timeout... the UbuntuOne page it
>>> pops to (I thought UbuntuOne was dead? or was it just some part of it?)
>>> is fine, but then you say okay, the browser status line says it's
>>> waiting for wiki.python.org, and eventually I get the timeout screen.
>> I don't think the problem is with OpenID or login, I think that account
>> creation is broken (and OpenID fails because of that only).
>> I just tried now (14:49 UTC) to create an account *the standard way*
>> [1], and registration form ends with "504".
> well, I have an account, and have openid already set up on it (has
> worked in the past), so account creation problem doesn't seem quite
> what's happening to me.

I think it's a timing issue again. I just tried an account creation
and got a 504 as well. However, in the logs I can see that the
request was actually processed fine and shows a 200.

Perhaps the timeout settings on front were changed, causing these

For some reason the account creation takes longer than 60 seconds
(measured around 70 seconds), which appears to be the front timeout.

Of course, it doesn't help that moin stores the user accounts
in individual files and we have more than 142k of those in a single

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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