David Mikesell wrote:

>> I think it might have been because I had a machine with only 512MB of
>> ram.  amd athlon 2100+, geforce ti4200 64MB vid ram.  After I finished
>> the game windows told me it was increasing the amount of virtual
>> memory I used.
> Frankly, I'm surprised it ran at all on that machine.

Yikes.  Well, it ran on my 1.2 GHZ laptop with 512 MB and only Intel
onboard video.  However it definitely takes too long to load, and after
playing it I can't understand why... or where all the memory is being
used.  Gameplay was fine (I like the magma gun) and was quite smooth,
but only after I had seen a new explosion animation.  The first time an
animation played, the fps dropped to single digits for about 5 or 6 seconds.

And after quitting, I too received a message that Windows had increased
virtual memory.  First time I've ever seen that.  ;)

One neat thing is that the music loop stuttered while it sat loading,
and sounded pretty cool for 2 or 3 minutes.  But then it started
stuttering too much and the cool effect quickly disappeared.

I enjoyed playing it, but think it's too heavy on memory requirements
for what it is.  And possibly people who enjoy Asteroids type games will
have crappy PCs like mine...  My advice, for whatever it's worth, is to
make a lighter, leaner version.


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