I find pygame has no big change many years,I hope it  increase more features,such as "alpha render","additive render",These is very useful to make a cooI  game screen,

On 7/12/06, René Dudfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Weird.  I think that person just copied in a link to a DSL provider,
and to lance-tech which is Phils company (I think).

I've removed the links for now, but left the image.  I'm not sure how
to email the owner though.

On 7/12/06, spotter . <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I suppose one improvement in the website is to add some spamming
> control. Just a few minutes ago, I saw this game that looked new, so
> when I clicked it it took me to
> http://www.pygame.org/projects/22/266/?release_id=411
> It looks like someone tried to spam some links, cause the description
> of the game doesnt seem to go with the picture and the links lead to
> random websites.
> great site otherwise, thanks for all your hardwork! I would be really
> lost without it.
> -spotter.

http://www.flyaflya.com powered by pygame+python

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