After reading Ethan's email, I decided to play more with the vec2d
class I posted, specifically to try to understand how bad the
allocations due to operator overloading really are - in that I want to
put it in a real context (like say how many particle positions you
could translate and still get 60 fps)... cause it doesn't matter if
you make the thing that takes 1% of your time go 1000% faster...

so I wrote test functions to take a 2d position, subtract another
position from it then multiply the result by a scalar (basically pan
and zoom a position). One version uses the 2d vector with operator
overloading, so it will allocate 2 vec2d's, each with a list member.
Another version does explicit math operations on variables, so no
allocations happen. I also tried converting the vec2d class to be
inherited from tuple, thinking that maybe you could save the list
member allocations by being a tuple to start with...

Then for performance, I ran the script in Python 2.3 on my 800Mhz p3
laptop plugged into the wall (what I consider my min spec) then
checked how many times it could do the translations a second.

Basically, using the operator overloading cut the performance by about
a factor of 18 . Also, when running psycho, the func doing math on
variables was able to run about 3x faster, but the operator
overloading routines weren't able to go significantly faster (makes
sense cause psycho doesn't help with allocation issues) making it more
like a 48:1 performance diff. Also the tuple inherited version was

So then using the loops/sec to try and figure out some context for the
perf difference, I computed how many times you could run the loop if
you had a 5% budget of cpu time for a game that ran at 60fps on my
min-spec machine - and that figure was 15/280 without psycho, or
16/760 with it. only moving around 15 objects a frame on my laptop
before dropping frames does strike me as very bad... especially when
I'd probably be pretty happy with 280 objects... but I'll still
probably keep using vec2d as a rule (although I do know where to look
first when performance drags now...)

I'm attaching the adapted code, if anyone is curious (it will run the
perf tests and print out stats)
2D Vector Math Class (with operator overload goodness)
(C) Copyright 2005 James Paige and Hamster Republic Productions

import operator
import math

class vec2d(object):

    def __init__(self, x_or_pair, y = None):
        if y == None:
                self.vec = [x_or_pair[0],x_or_pair[1]]
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("vec2d constructor requires a tuple or two arguments")
            self.vec = [x_or_pair,y]

    def get_x(self):
        return self.vec[0]
    def set_x(self, value):
        self.vec[0] = value
    x = property(get_x, set_x)
    def get_y(self):
        return self.vec[1]
    def set_y(self, value):
        self.vec[1] = value
    y = property(get_y, set_y)
    def set(self, x, y):
        self.vec[0] = x
        self.vec[1] = y
    # String representaion (for debugging)
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'vec2d(%s, %s)' % (self.x, self.y)
    # Array-style access
    def __len__(self): return 2

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.vec[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.vec[key] = value

    # Comparison
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.vec[0] == other[0] and self.vec[1] == other[1]
    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self.vec[0] != other[0] or self.vec[1] != other[1]

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return self.vec[0] or self.vec[1]

    # Generic operator handlers
    def _o2(self, other, f):
        "Any two-operator operation where the left operand is a vec2d"
            return vec2d(f(self.vec[0], other[0]),
                         f(self.vec[1], other[1]))
        except TypeError:
            return vec2d(f(self.vec[0], other),
                         f(self.vec[1], other))

    def _r_o2(self, other, f):
        "Any two-operator operation where the right operand is a vec2d"
            return vec2d(f(other[0], self.vec[0]),
                         f(other[1], self.vec[1]))
        except TypeError:
            return vec2d(f(other, self.vec[0]),
                         f(other, self.vec[1]))

    def _o1(self, f):
        "Any unary operation on a vec2d"
        return vec2d(f(self.vec[0]), f(self.vec[1]))

    # Addition
    def __add__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.add)
    __radd__ = __add__

    # Subtraction
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.sub)
    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.sub)

    # Multiplication
    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.mul)
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    # Division
    def __div__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.div)
    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.div)

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.floordiv)
    def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.floordiv)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.truediv)
    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.truediv)

    # Modulo
    def __mod__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.mod)
    def __rmod__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.mod)

    def __divmod__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.divmod)
    def __rdivmod__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.divmod)

    # Exponentation
    def __pow__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.pow)
    def __rpow__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.pow)

    # Bitwise operators
    def __lshift__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.lshift)
    def __rlshift__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.lshift)

    def __rshift__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.rshift)
    def __rrshift__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.rshift)

    def __and__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.and_)
    __rand__ = __and__

    def __or__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.or_)
    __ror__ = __or__

    def __xor__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.xor)
    __rxor__ = __xor__

    # Unary operations
    def __neg__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.neg)

    def __pos__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.pos)

    def __abs__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.abs)

    def __invert__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.invert)

    # vectory functions
    def get_length_sqrd(self): 
        return self.vec[0]**2 + self.vec[1]**2

    def get_length(self):
        return math.sqrt(self.vec[0]**2 + self.vec[1]**2)    
    def __setlength(self, value):
        self.vec[0] *= value
        self.vec[1] *= value
    length = property(get_length, __setlength, None, "gets or sets the magnitude of the vector")
    def rotate(self, angle_degrees):
        radians = math.radians(angle_degrees)
        cos = math.cos(radians)
        sin = math.sin(radians)
        x = self.vec[0]*cos - self.vec[1]*sin
        y = self.vec[0]*sin + self.vec[1]*cos
        self.vec[0] = x
        self.vec[1] = y
    def get_angle(self):
        if (self.get_length_sqrd() == 0):
            return 0
        return math.degrees(math.atan2(self.vec[1], self.vec[0]))

    def get_angle_between(self, other):
        cross = self.vec[0]*other[1] - self.vec[1]*other[0]
        dot = self.vec[0]*other[0] + self.vec[1]*other[1]
        return math.degrees(math.atan2(cross, dot))
    def __setangle(self, angle_degrees):
        self.vec[0] = self.length
        self.vec[1] = 0
    angle = property(get_angle, __setangle, None, "gets or sets the angle of a vector")
    def normalized(self):
        length = self.length
        if length != 0:
            return self/length
        return vec2d(self)

    def perpendicular(self):
        return vec2d(-self.vec[1], self.vec[0])
    def perpendicular_normal(self):
        length = self.length
        if length != 0:
            return vec2d(-self.vec[1]/length, self.vec[0]/length)
        return vec2d(self)
    def normalize_return_length(self):
        length = self.length
        if length != 0:
            self.vec[0] /= length
            self.vec[1] /= length
        return length

    def dot(self, other):
        return self.vec[0]*other[0] + self.vec[1]*other[1]
    def get_distance(self, other):
        return math.sqrt((self.vec[0] - other[0])**2 + (self.vec[1] - other[1])**2)
    def projection(self, other):
        normal = other.normalized()
        projected_length =
        return normal*projected_length
    def cross(self, other):
        return self.vec[0]*other[1] - self.vec[1]*other[0]
    def interpolate_to(self, other, range):
        return vec2d(self.vec[0] + (other.vec[0] - self.vec[0])*range, self.vec[1] + (other.vec[1] - self.vec[1])*range)
    def convert_to_basis(self, x_vector, y_vector):
        return vec2d(,

class vec2dTuple(tuple):

    def __new__(cls, *args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            return tuple.__new__(cls, args[0])
            return tuple.__new__(cls, args)

    def get_x(self):
        return self[0]
    x = property(get_x)
    def get_y(self):
        return self[1]
    y = property(get_y)
    # String representaion (for debugging)
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'vec2dTuple(%s, %s)' % (self.x, self.y)
    # Comparison
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self[0] == other[0] and self[1] == other[1]
    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self[0] != other[0] or self[1] != other[1]

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return self[0] or self[1]

    # Generic operator handlers
    def _o2(self, other, f):
        "Any two-operator operation where the left operand is a vec2dTuple"
            return vec2dTuple(f(self[0], other[0]),
                         f(self[1], other[1]))
        except TypeError:
            return vec2dTuple(f(self[0], other),
                         f(self[1], other))

    def _r_o2(self, other, f):
        "Any two-operator operation where the right operand is a vec2dTuple"
            return vec2dTuple(f(other[0], self[0]),
                         f(other[1], self[1]))
        except TypeError:
            return vec2dTuple(f(other, self[0]),
                         f(other, self[1]))

    def _o1(self, f):
        "Any unary operation on a vec2dTuple"
        return vec2dTuple(f(self[0]), f(self[1]))

    # Addition
    def __add__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.add)
    __radd__ = __add__

    # Subtraction
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.sub)
    def __rsub__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.sub)

    # Multiplication
    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.mul)
    __rmul__ = __mul__

    # Division
    def __div__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.div)
    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.div)

    def __floordiv__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.floordiv)
    def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.floordiv)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.truediv)
    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.truediv)

    # Modulo
    def __mod__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.mod)
    def __rmod__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.mod)

    def __divmod__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.divmod)
    def __rdivmod__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.divmod)

    # Exponentation
    def __pow__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.pow)
    def __rpow__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.pow)

    # Bitwise operators
    def __lshift__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.lshift)
    def __rlshift__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.lshift)

    def __rshift__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.rshift)
    def __rrshift__(self, other):
        return self._r_o2(other, operator.rshift)

    def __and__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.and_)
    __rand__ = __and__

    def __or__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.or_)
    __ror__ = __or__

    def __xor__(self, other):
        return self._o2(other, operator.xor)
    __rxor__ = __xor__

    # Unary operations
    def __neg__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.neg)

    def __pos__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.pos)

    def __abs__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.abs)

    def __invert__(self):
        return self._o1(operator.invert)

    # vectory functions
    def get_length_sqrd(self): 
        return self[0]**2 + self[1]**2

    def get_length(self):
        return math.sqrt(self[0]**2 + self[1]**2)    
    length = property(get_length, None, None, "gets or sets the magnitude of the vector")
    def get_angle(self):
        if (self.get_length_sqrd() == 0):
            return 0
        return math.degrees(math.atan2(self[1], self[0]))

    def get_angle_between(self, other):
        cross = self[0]*other[1] - self[1]*other[0]
        dot = self[0]*other[0] + self[1]*other[1]
        return math.degrees(math.atan2(cross, dot))
    angle = property(get_angle, None, None, "gets or sets the angle of a vector")
    def normalized(self):
        length = self.length
        if length != 0:
            return self/length
        return vec2dTuple(self)

    def perpendicular(self):
        return vec2dTuple(-self[1], self[0])
    def perpendicular_normal(self):
        length = self.length
        if length != 0:
            return vec2dTuple(-self[1]/length, self[0]/length)
        return vec2dTuple(self)
    def normalize_return_length(self):
        length = self.length
        if length != 0:
            self[0] /= length
            self[1] /= length
        return length

    def dot(self, other):
        return self[0]*other[0] + self[1]*other[1]
    def get_distance(self, other):
        return math.sqrt((self[0] - other[0])**2 + (self[1] - other[1])**2)
    def projection(self, other):
        normal = other.normalized()
        projected_length =
        return normal*projected_length
    def cross(self, other):
        return self[0]*other[1] - self[1]*other[0]
    def interpolate_to(self, other, range):
        return vec2dTuple(self[0] + (other[0] - self[0])*range, self[1] + (other[1] - self[1])*range)
    def convert_to_basis(self, x_vector, y_vector):
        return vec2dTuple(,
## Unit Testing                                                       ##
if __name__ == "__main__":

    import unittest

    class UnitTestVec2D(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
        def testCreationAndAccess(self):
            v = vec2d(111,222)
            self.assert_(v.x == 111 and v.y == 222)
            v.x = 333
            v[1] = 444
            self.assert_(v[0] == 333 and v[1] == 444)

        def testMath(self):
            v = vec2d(111,222)
            self.assert_(v + 1 == vec2d(112,223))
            self.assert_(v - 2 == [109,220])
            self.assert_(v * 3 == (333,666))
            self.assert_(v / 2.0 == vec2d(55.5, 111))
            self.assert_(v / 2 == (55, 111))
            self.assert_(v ** vec2d(2,3) == [12321, 10941048])
            self.assert_(v + [-11, 78] == vec2d(100, 300))
            self.assert_(v / [11,2] == [10,111])

        def testReverseMath(self):
            v = vec2d(111,222)
            self.assert_(1 + v == vec2d(112,223))
            self.assert_(2 - v == [-109,-220])
            self.assert_(3 * v == (333,666))
            self.assert_([222,999] / v == [2,4])
            self.assert_([111,222] ** vec2d(2,3) == [12321, 10941048])
            self.assert_([-11, 78] + v == vec2d(100, 300))

        def testUnary(self):
            v = vec2d(111,222)
            v = -v
            self.assert_(v == [-111,-222])
            v = abs(v)
            self.assert_(v == [111,222])

        def testLength(self):
            v = vec2d(3,4)
            self.assert_(v.length == 5)
            self.assert_(v.get_length_sqrd() == 25)
            self.assert_(v.normalize_return_length() == 5)
            self.assert_(v.length == 1)
            v.length = 5
            self.assert_(v == vec2d(3,4))
            v2 = vec2d(10, -2)
            self.assert_(v.get_distance(v2) == (v - v2).get_length())
        def testAngles(self):            
            v = vec2d(0, 3)
            self.assertEquals(v.angle, 90)
            v2 = vec2d(v)
            self.assertEqual(v.get_angle_between(v2), 90)
            v2.angle -= 90
            self.assertEqual(v.length, v2.length)
            self.assertEquals(v2.angle, 0)
            self.assertEqual(v2, [3, 0])
            self.assert_((v - v2).length < .00001)
            self.assertEqual(v.length, v2.length)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(v.get_angle_between(v2), -60)
            angle = v.get_angle_between(v2)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(v.get_angle_between(v2), 0)  

        def testHighLevel(self):
            basis0 = vec2d(5.0, 0)
            basis1 = vec2d(0, .5)
            v = vec2d(10, 1)
            self.assert_(v.convert_to_basis(basis0, basis1) == [2, 2])
            self.assert_(v.projection(basis0) == (10, 0))
            self.assert_( == 0)
        def testCross(self):
            lhs = vec2d(1, .5)
            rhs = vec2d(4,6)
            self.assert_(lhs.cross(rhs) == 4)
    class UnitTestvec2dTuple(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
        def testCreationAndAccess(self):
            v = vec2dTuple(111,222)
            self.assert_(v.x == 111 and v.y == 222)

        def testMath(self):
            v = vec2dTuple(111,222)
            self.assert_(v + 1 == vec2dTuple(112,223))
            self.assert_(v - 2 == [109,220])
            self.assert_(v * 3 == (333,666))
            self.assert_(v / 2.0 == vec2dTuple(55.5, 111))
            self.assert_(v / 2 == (55, 111))
            self.assert_(v ** vec2dTuple(2,3) == [12321, 10941048])
            self.assert_(v + [-11, 78] == vec2dTuple(100, 300))
            self.assert_(v / [11,2] == [10,111])
            self.assert_(v + (89, -122) == [200,100])

        def testReverseMath(self):
            v = vec2dTuple(111,222)
            self.assert_(1 + v == vec2dTuple(112,223))
            self.assert_(2 - v == [-109,-220])
            self.assert_(3 * v == (333,666))
            self.assert_([222,999] / v == [2,4])
            self.assert_([111,222] ** vec2dTuple(2,3) == [12321, 10941048])
            self.assert_([-11, 78] + v == vec2dTuple(100, 300))
            self.assert_((89,-122) + v == [200,100])

        def testUnary(self):
            v = vec2dTuple(111,222)
            v = -v
            self.assert_(v == [-111,-222])
            v = abs(v)
            self.assert_(v == [111,222])

        def testLength(self):
            v = vec2dTuple(3,4)
            self.assert_(v.length == 5)
            self.assert_(v.get_length_sqrd() == 25)
            v2 = v.normalized()
            self.assert_(v2.length == 1)
            v2 = vec2dTuple(10, -2)
            self.assert_(v.get_distance(v2) == (v - v2).get_length())
        def testAngles(self):            
            v = vec2dTuple(0, 3)
            self.assertEquals(v.angle, 90)
            v2 = vec2dTuple(v)
            self.assertEqual(v.length, v2.length)

        def testHighLevel(self):
            basis0 = vec2dTuple(5.0, 0)
            basis1 = vec2dTuple(0, .5)
            v = vec2dTuple(10, 1)
            self.assert_(v.convert_to_basis(basis0, basis1) == [2, 2])
            self.assert_(v.projection(basis0) == (10, 0))
            self.assert_( == 0)
        def testCross(self):
            lhs = vec2dTuple(1, .5)
            rhs = vec2dTuple(4,6)
            self.assert_(lhs.cross(rhs) == 4)
    import time
    def perfTest(func, num_runs = 10000, fps=60, budget=.05):
        start = time.clock()
        end = time.clock()
        elapsed = end - start
        print "%s runs at %.1f loops/s" % (str(func), num_runs/elapsed)
        print "that's %.2f loops to fill %d fps" % (num_runs/elapsed/fps, fps)
        print "or %.2f at a %.1f%% budget at %d fps" % (budget*num_runs/elapsed/fps, budget*100.0, fps)
    class TestData:
        screen_offsetx = 100
        screen_offsety = 120
        screen_offset = vec2d(screen_offsetx, screen_offsety)
        screen_offset_tuple = vec2dTuple(screen_offsetx, screen_offsety)
        screen_scale = .5
        object_positionx = 130.5
        object_positiony = 191.5
        object_position = vec2d(object_positionx, object_positiony)
        object_position_tuple = vec2dTuple(object_positionx, object_positiony)
    def ScreenTranslationTestVec2d(loop_count):
        for i in xrange(loop_count):
            final_pos = (TestData.object_position_tuple - TestData.screen_offset_tuple)*TestData.screen_scale
    def ScreenTranslationTestVec2dTuple(loop_count):
        for i in xrange(loop_count):
            final_pos = (TestData.object_position_tuple - TestData.screen_offset_tuple)*TestData.screen_scale
    def ScreenTranslationTestExplicit(loop_count):
        for i in xrange(loop_count):
            final_posx = (TestData.object_positionx - TestData.screen_offsetx)*TestData.screen_scale
            final_posy = (TestData.object_positiony - TestData.screen_offsety)*TestData.screen_scale
    print "testing vector code..."
    print "\nnow psychoing everything..."
    import psyco



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