On 9/21/06, Chris Ashurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Regarding that... If I develop on a windows box, is there any way for me to
build a OSX application bundle on my machine? I kind of figure I could
possibly use Cygwin to make use of Freeze, but I also worry about
distributing a binary for *nix systems that may use a different endian
system or blah blah blah.

No... and no.

On the py2exe site wiki, they have a bunch of recipes for "installing" icons
for windows executables (which seem like a bit of a hack by simulating a
manifest file), and that's the biggest issue with building windows apps. OSX
applications have a more approachable manifest type deal which uses XML.
Having never made an OSX distributable, I can't say for certain how complex
it was, but from Apple's API, it doesn't seem too bad.

You typically don't have to deal much with the plist file for a
typical py2app application, because the common stuff is abstracted.


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