what you describe sounds like what happens when a game hogs 100% of
the CPU, but some background process needs to periodically do
something (like say every 3 seconds)

Looking at the code, it doesn't have anything in it that will yield
the CPU. The solution is usually to sleep if you are getting a faster
frame rate than you need.

As a quick hack test/fix, you could try uncommenting the sleep(.01)
line, I would bet that you don't get the periodic lag anymore if you
do that

On 10/26/06, Farai Aschwanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nice looking rain and proper code! I experienced a tiny lag like
every 3 seconds. I experienced that also in other games/demos,
couldnt find out why. Did other ppl also experienced this and/or knew
why or is it only on my Mac?


Am 26.10.2006 um 20:40 schrieb Kamilche:

> I was inspired to create a rain generator after seeing someone
> else's on the Internet today, and thought I'd post it here:
> [code]
> import pygame
> import random
> import time
> SCREENSIZE = 640, 480
> class Rain(object):
>     ' Rain generator'
>     drops = []
>     height = 160
>     speed = 1
>     color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
>     chance = .05
>     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>         ' Allow programmer to change settings of rain generator'
>         self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
>     def Render(self, screen):
>         ' Render the rain'
>         dirtyrects = []
>         for drop in self.drops:
>             drop.Render(dirtyrects, screen)
>             if drop.dead:
>                 self.drops.remove(drop)
>             else:
>                 dirtyrects.append(drop.rect)
>         if random.random() < self.chance:
>             self.drops.append(Rain.Drop(self.height, self.speed,
> self.color))
>         return dirtyrects
>     class Drop(object):
>         ' Rain drop used by rain generator'
>         pos = None
>         dead = 0
>         def __init__(self, height, speed, color):
>             ' Initialize the rain drop'
>             w, h = 3, int((random.randint(80, 120) * height) / 100.0)
>             self.pic = pygame.Surface((w, h), pygame.SRCALPHA,
> 32).convert_alpha()
>             self.height = self.pic.get_height()
>             self.maxy = SCREENSIZE[1] + h
>             self.speed = 1
>             self.pos = [random.random() * SCREENSIZE[0], -self.height]
>             factor = float(color[3])/h
>             r, g, b = color[:3]
>             for i in range(h):
>                 self.pic.fill( (r, g, b, int(factor * i)), (1, i,
> w-2, 1) )
>             pygame.draw.circle(self.pic, (255, 255, 255), (1, h-2), 2)
>             self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.pos[0], self.pos[1],
> self.pic.get_width(), self.pic.get_height())
>         def Render(self, dirtyrects, screen):
>             ' Draw the rain drop'
>             self.pos[1] += self.speed
>             self.rect.topleft = self.pos
>             self.speed += .2
>             if self.pos[1] > self.maxy:
>                 self.dead = 1
>             else:
>                 screen.blit(self.pic, self.pos)
> def main():
>     # Initialize pygame
>     pygame.init()
>     screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREENSIZE, 0, 32)
>     # Create rain generator
>     rain = Rain()
>     # Main loop
>     nexttime = time.time()
>     ctr = 0
>     quit = 0
>     while not quit:
>         # Uncomment the following line to make the rain go slower
>         #time.sleep(.01)
>         # Track FPS
>         if time.time() > nexttime:
>             nexttime = time.time() + 1
>             print '%d fps' % ctr
>             ctr = 0
>         ctr += 1
>         # Draw rain
>         dirtyrects = rain.Render(screen)
>         # Update the screen for the dirty rectangles only
>         pygame.display.update(dirtyrects)
>         # Fill the background with the dirty rectangles only
>         for r in dirtyrects:
>             screen.fill((0, 0, 0), r)
>         # Look for user quit
>         pygame.event.pump()
>         for e in pygame.event.get():
>             if e.type in [pygame.QUIT, pygame.KEYDOWN,
>                 quit = 1
>                 break
>     # Terminate pygame
>     pygame.quit()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     main()
> [/code]
> If the spaces have been eaten, I also posted it at
> http://incarnation.danbo.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?
> Cat=0&Number=10483&an=0&page=0#Post10483

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