Pyweek is a competition, is it not?  An exhibition would be something
entirely different, and allowing more time or loose inclusion of any
libraries would be orthoganal to what pyweek currently is.  A different
thing, that was an exhibition and allowed you to build off of existing code,
would be something completely different.  Which isn't to say that something
like that shouldn't exist :)

I don't think you'd get nearly as many entrants as you do with pyweek, it
would be more of people just showing off what they are working on, which
people can already do anyway (on the page, or through various
standard channels).

The competition element of pyweek is part of the creative drive that makes
it work for people, at least for me.  The chance to not worry about
remembring which of my 10,000 functions do what I want, start from scratch,
work on a brand new game with a friend or friends (who i don't have to
teach, except the extreme python basics) is a great opportunity.

I don't look at the from-scratch angle as a burden (oh no, I don't want to
have to code this function AGAIN) but as an opportunity (instead of doing it
like this, since I always do it that way, lets try something different).

And if you have a nice boiler plate library that accomplishes all of the
annoying set up that you don't want to write again, publish it and use it in
the contest :)  Just give others the opportunity to use it as well.

Heh, my online game was a bad example.  It's sort of closed source for the
time being, and not working very well at the moment to boot.  I can
definately see the value in a non-from scratch competition, expo, etc.
Pyweek is so infrequent I would love more opportunities to get ideas and
make cool stuff.  Start something new :)

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