Well put Patrick,

1 week is a lot of time to doing something amazing. Just got to have something amazing to start with.. :) The games I used pygame for was something so simple, was 3 ships and frogs jumping off the ships and a canon that could shoot frogs based on the 3 possible directions of the cannon. Simple right, well they gave me a compass, a gps and a hand help computer so thats what I came up with. You turn or move and shoot the damn frogs or turn and put out fires.. People had tons of fun playing them, took me like a week to develop all 3 games and I had never used pygame before in my life but it worked on my hand held and was a 2d engine. :)

Later, Ben

From: "Patrick Mullen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: pygame-users@seul.org
To: pygame-users@seul.org
Subject: Re: [pygame] PyWeek #4 in April!
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 13:39:32 -0800

The problem with this, and it has been discussed before, is that those who
have extensive (internal, or even external but not well documented or
supported) libraries start off with a huge advantage over those who come
into it fresh. There are quite a few pretty extensive libraries that are in
fact allowed, and you can use your own library as well if you document it,
release it well in advance of the contest, and get it approved.  I've been
working on a massively multiplayer game for a year and a half.  Now I'm
going to take that, put in some models that fit the theme, and call it a
day.  Not so good...

The idea of the contest is sort of to put everyone on a level playing field,
and allow freedom of experimentation.  I don't know about some people, but
when I am limited on time I tend to come up with very unique code design
that I don't often use in my full projects, sometimes I even learn something
from it besides just having a good time :)

A week really is enough time to accomplish some great things or at least a
great start to a new project.  More time than that and it's too easy to put
things off or have feature creep really set in, less time is just too
rushed; although that's an experience in itself.

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