Ulf Ekström wrote:
>> I wrote a physics system using Numeric. It still wasn't fast enough.
> Do you know exactly what made it slow? Do you think it can be worked
> around assuming we have fast vector operations?

The way I wrote it, Numeric gave me the fast vector operations. It's
in the cookbook if you want to see:
http://www.pygame.org/wiki/2DGeometryEngine?parent=CookBook . Each
point is stored in one big Numeric array, to which all operations are
done at once. The problem with doing things that way is -- well,
consider an if statement in Python.

if Condition:
  return f(x)
  return g(x)

In Numeric, the easiest way to do this is:

f = ufuncs.sin(x) # or some other complicated operation
g = ufuncs.cos(x)
return choose(Condition, f, g)

In other words, in Python you operate element-by-element and compute
one or the other, but in Numeric you compute both options for all
elements and pick one or the other for each element. I think that's
probably why it was slow. I don't think you'll be able to get much
better performance out of a pure-Python physics engine *especially* if
you get fast vector operations -- the reason I tried this approach was
because Greg Ewing pointed out (quite rightly, I think) that working
element-at-a-time in Python is just not going to be fast enough.

I also wrote a pure-Python element-by-element physics engine which was
even slower than this, but I never tried using AABBs or other
optimizations, so maybe you could do it if you really wanted to. I
don't think it's worth it when ODE is out there, though.


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