I usede the instructions here: 

to make my first python egg yesterday.  So far, so good.  I don't
expect my python program to change much, but I expect my data files
to gorw a lot, so I thought I would try this way.  Before that I was
using py2exe. http://www.py2exe.org/


In a message of Mon, 28 May 2007 07:48:17 -0000, Tobbe Lundberg writes:
>I've used PyInstaller with the --onefile option to get a single .exe out 
>of my
>pygame script. The only problem is that it didn't include my data/ folder
> with
>all the images for the sprites in the game. Does anyone know how to inclu
>de an
>extra folder with PyInstaller?
>Or any other options to get a single .exe with everything needed inside? 
>And I
>don't want it to be an installer or anything like that...
>Thanks in advance

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