"Tobbe Lundberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Or any other options to get a single .exe with everything needed inside?
> And I
> don't want it to be an installer or anything like that...

One thing to bear in mind is that LGPL-licensed libraries (e.g. PyGame,
PGU) have restrictions on how they can be distributed. By leaving the
libraries separate, the users can replace the LGPL libraries with versions
they compiled themselves.

If you create a single EXE, you have to go to extra lengths to comply with
the LGPL, like documenting where the source code for your EXE may be
downloaded, so that the users may make modifications of the libraries.

Here's one thread about LGPL from a few years ago:

And a GNU webpage discussing LGPL:

For me, I just make a ZIP or RAR archive, and if I really want to save my
friends that extra few clicks, I'll make it a self-extracting archive.
That's probably pretty close to being an installer, which you said you
don't want.

-Dave LeCompte

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