In a message of Fri, 15 Jun 2007 04:42:50 PDT, "Dave LeCompte (really)" writes:
>"Laura Creighton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made a distinction:
>> MVC is a pattern, but not a design pattern.
>I'd be interested to know why you say it isn't a design pattern.
>I see MVC mentioned on page 4 of my copy of the Gang of Four book on
>design patterns, but their discussion of it suggests that most of their
>book focuses on finer-grained details.
>Speaking of design patterns books, I really enjoyed reading O'Reilly's
>"Head First Design Patterns" - a little jazzier than Gamma et al.
>-Dave LeCompte

In the corner of the world I live in, the phrase 'Design Patterns'
only refers to the ones in the Design Pattern Catalog -- i.e.
chapters 3, 4, and 5. There are only 23 of them (unless you enclude
the ones Vlissides found in Pattern Hatching).  MVC -- which I had
forgotten was mentioned on page 4 -- is considered too big a thing to
be one pattern.  You find lots of the 'design patterns' as part of
Smalltalks MVC.

I suppose other corners of the world have other linguistic conventions.


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