In a message of Sat, 16 Jun 2007 09:22:26 EDT, Charles Joseph Christie II write
>So, if I was making a Tetris Attack clone using plain pygame and the SDL 
>blitting functions, but later on decided that I wanted to render the bloc
>in 3D and add a 3D mode like Pokemon Puzzle League for the Nintendo 64, u
>pyopengl, how much of the code do you think, aside from the drawing, do y
>think I'd have to rewrite?
>Oh, don't worry about giving a 100% accurate answer to this: I won't be d
>it for a LONG time.

If you use Model-View-Controller like separation of your code,
None.  All your changes will be in the drawing.

If you code in spaghetti-glue, there is no way we can answer.


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