On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 08:21:15PM +0100, Will McGugan wrote:
> I've just uploaded version 0.0.2 of Game Objects. It has an updated 
> Color class and GameClock class. This release also fixes the problem 
> with installing from source. Let me know if you find any bugs, or have 
> feature suggestions!

I liked the blog entry and started looking around in the svn repository
browser (no syntax highlight, *sigh*).

I think there's a bug in ColorRGBA.grey: the 'a' argument (alpha?) is
required, but never used.

I'm somewhat surprised that your r/g/b/a setters perform an isinstance
check and explicitly require a float.  What's wrong with accepting ints
(0 or 1)?

The __setitem__ has an obvious error ('value' is misspelt as 'vale'),
which makes me think you don't have unit tests.

Why is __rmul__ doing division instead of multiplication?

Marius Gedminas
C++ is a loaded machine gun helpfully pointed at your feet with the safety off.
        -- ChaosDiscord on Slashdot

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