Marius Gedminas wrote:

I liked the blog entry and started looking around in the svn repository
browser (no syntax highlight, *sigh*).

I think there's a bug in ColorRGBA.grey: the 'a' argument (alpha?) is
required, but never used.
Yeah, fixed that in my local version.

I'm somewhat surprised that your r/g/b/a setters perform an isinstance
check and explicitly require a float.  What's wrong with accepting ints
(0 or 1)?
I want to use floats internally, so that it will always use float arithmetic. I _could_ simply wrap the setter value with float(), but that would leed to the situation where you could do col.r = "20" - which is just wrong. Coercing to a float also turned out to be comparatively slow in my tests. So I took the decision to enforce using floats. I think its best to be explicit, but I am open to suggestions...

The __setitem__ has an obvious error ('value' is misspelt as 'vale'),
which makes me think you don't have unit tests.
Thanks, fixed. You're right about unit tests. I'm in the process of adding them.

Why is __rmul__ doing division instead of multiplication?
Fixed in SVN.


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