On 7/25/07, René Dudfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

added the cool new smoothscale function from Richard Goedeken.  I
really like how nice it looks :)  There's an example in
examples/scaletest.py that you can play with to see it working.

I'd like to see that. What I did see was it breaking :(

"Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
No matter what picture i tell it to use, gif,bmp, png, with or without
an alpha channel, with or without -convert-alpha, that is all that

I changed it for pygame subversion, as well as made it use an optional
destination surface argument like the other scale functions now do.
As well as releasing the GIL during processing for multiple threads
like the scale functions do in subversion pygame.  Also the
documentation is moved into transform.doc like is done now for C

There's still a couple of compiler warnings about unused variables.
As well as constants being too big for a long.  But I'm not so sure of

The problem is, that 'long long' is the type that's being specified.
on gcc, at least, this means a integer >= 64bits big (I checked by
making a little prog printing sizeof(long long) (== 8bytes on my
system, sizeof(long) == 4, ie it's the same as an int.)), so either
the compiler is becoming confused (thinking a long was meant), or the
code is wrong.

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