I'm glad to hear that you got the new scaling function in there.  I'm
not sure exactly how to fix the compiler warnings either.  There are no
truly unused variables - everything that could be #ifdef'd has been.
It's just that GCC doesn't recognize that the values are being used in
the ASM code.  For the 64-bit "long long" constants it may be possible
to get rid of that warning by appending "LL" to the constant itself - I
believe that will make it stop complaining about that.


René Dudfield wrote:
> Hi,
> added the cool new smoothscale function from Richard Goedeken.  I
> really like how nice it looks :)  There's an example in
> examples/scaletest.py that you can play with to see it working.
> Committed revision 1025.
> I changed it for pygame subversion, as well as made it use an optional
> destination surface argument like the other scale functions now do.
> As well as releasing the GIL during processing for multiple threads
> like the scale functions do in subversion pygame.  Also the
> documentation is moved into transform.doc like is done now for C
> functions.
> There's still a couple of compiler warnings about unused variables.
> As well as constants being too big for a long.  But I'm not so sure of
> the code yet to fix them.  Maybe it's a 64bit specific thing that can
> be #ifdef'd ?
> There's a basic unittest for it in tests/test_transform.py but it
> could use a few more tests.
> (also strangely every time I try to paste the exact compiler errors
> into gmail, it crashes both my terminal and firefox... weird)
> On 6/26/07, Richard Goedeken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Okay, this is the final version of the SmoothScale patch.  I built the
>> last one on an Ubuntu/x86_64 laptop and it crashed.  I traced the
>> problem to my input/output register handling with the crazy AT&T syntax
>> and figured out the proper way to tell the compiler what registers I
>> have changed.  The attached code works on all 3 platforms and I believe
>> the syntax is correct now.
>> Richard

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