I tested the cases Clare mentioned, and was able to get the same
behavior as her (specifically that doing a pygame.init first, sound
would never be heard until after a display was sucessfully created,
while doing a pygame.mixer.init first, the sound worked in all cases).
Also, if I replace pygame.init with pygame.display.init, same results
(display before mixer + no window = no sound)

Ethan seems to have got things pegged with his DirectX comments too...

On 10/11/07, Ethan Glasser-Camp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To force a non-DirectX audio driver, you could try doing something like:
> import pygame, os
> os.environ['SDL_AUDIODRIVER'] = waveout'
> before doing any pygame*.init(). As you may have gathered, I have no
> idea if this will actually work.
When adding the code Ethan suggested above before pygame.init(), the
sound worked for me even if the display wasn't created.

So it seems clear to me that Ethan hit the nail on the head - the
directX audio backend sets things up in a way that audio can't be
played until after a window is created. The docs for pygame.mixer.init
allude to this:

It seems though, that as Clare discovered, the directX backend only
has that problem if pygame.display.init() is called before
pygame.mixer.init(). pygame.init must call SDL in a way that does the
display before the mixer.

...Ultimately, it seems to me that if you are making a game, with a
window, none of this will matter at all. if you are making something
that plays sounds with no window, then either force waveout for
windows like Ethan suggested, or call pygame.mixer.init and forget
about pygame.init and others.

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