
My name is Dan. I'm currently developing a 2d engine, and I was
wondering if I could get some help from this list. I was going to use
Python only for some parts of it, but for prototyping I started making
the whole thing in Python, and thus Pygame. Now I'm thinking I might
just want to make most of the final version in Python, and just
optimize things in C (if it's fast enough, why not?), including
continuing to use Pygame.

Part of the C optimization would be generation of visual effects. I
looked for this online and on the Pygame site but was unable to find
anything about it. I was wondering if someone could tell me if there
was any way to get C access to SDL surfaces. I know that there's this
Surfarray thing, but I'd rather generate my effects the old fashioned

Is there a relatively straightforward way to do this? My intention is
to make a .h file in C that generates the effect, and make it into a
python file using Pyrex.

Thank you in advance, and thank you for offering this mailing list,


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