On Nov 10, 2007 10:36 PM, Brian Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2007 1:30 PM, Jake b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > for rendering. But running it, caused my computer to get a Blue Screen Of
> > Death.
> >
> Blue Screen of Death on Windows XP means an error in kernel mode,
> always, no exception. No pygame or python module ships a driver or
> kernel mode component that I'm aware of. What this means is that the
> only way running a particular python + pygame project could cause a
> blue screen is by it making a call that makes a driver go do
> something, and it's the driver that crashes. For a game, this almost
> always means the video card driver - some other options would be sound
> card driver, virus protection program, bad memory, network driver.
> It's almost definitely video card, but if you look at the blue screen

I just replied to claxo, and I elaborated on this. I've updated my
BIOS and video driver and they didn't help. Or, instead of getting
BSOD's i'm now getting a crash where nothing responds. ( Not a 100%
cpu usage ) but keyboard, mouse, windowmanager, everything doesn't
respond. Sometimes it even does wierd graphical artifacts, and even
can on crash generate sounds when I was using no sound.

I have the same AVG ( grisoft ) on both computers, the one that the
game crashes, and the one that it doesn't.

I can get an equivalent c++ program to blit tiles using libSDL to work
fine on both computers. That's why I'm wondering could it have
anything to do with a certain version of PyGame + Python?

I have Python: 2.5.1, and PyGame: pygame-1.7.1release.win32-py2.5.exe

> before rebooting, you can often find the name of the driver that is
> faulting and then be sure about which component it is (look for
> <drivername>.sys near the top after "The problem seems to be caused by
> the following file" or on the very last line after a few asterixes)

In the past I have seen where it says driver "nv.dll" or a specific
message, but the BSOD's I was getting from this game would only say
"Stop: 0x00000" ( I don't remember the exact hex offset, but thats the
only info it gave. No driver listings, no event name ( like
DIVIDE_BY_ZERO  ) ), just "Stop".

Now it's not always getting a BSOD, but it is still completely
freezing like a BSOD 100% of the time. I see my desktop but the only
option is hitting the power.

> As far as what pygame thing could be triggering the driver to crash -
> are you making your surfaces with the HWSURFACE flag? Are you using
> OpenGL? If so, try not using either of those, it might turn into a

I'm using the default arguments, I'm not passing any flags to the
surface creation, so its a software surface. I am not using any

> segfault or a normal error. Are you playing music or sounds? Turn that
> off and test. Also, it's possible pygame stuff is only triggering

I'm not using any sounds in the game I wrote. It did crash once with
winamp playing, so after that I quit winamp on the next reboot, and it
still crashes. ( Sometimes creating sounds at the crash )

> things by being a busy and active game. If the problem is heat or bad
> memory related, desktop use may never trigger it.

Because of the 'nice cpu boolean' It uses almost nothing, like 2% CPU
usage. I don't think it can be heat since this was from a fresh start,
after it had been off for hours. ( While it has no problem playing
full 3D accelerated games )

> Do other games give a Blue Screen?

No. I sometimes get crashes in other games, but they crash to desktop,
nothing is broken. I can re-run the game and everythings fine.

That's the confusing part, libSDL with c++ works, much higher hardware
accelerated games work, but a simple blit isn't working, and a full
system crash at that.

Thanks ( to everyone ) for the help


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