On Nov 28, 2007 3:38 PM, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A somewhat simple fix to get the ball to stop bouncing would be like this
> (put after velocity is set to newvelocity):
> if abs(velocity) < 0.01:
>   gravity = 0
>   velocity = 0

I'm not sure that would work.  At the top of a parabolic arc, Physics says
that the ball's velocity is temporarily zero.  So if you're starting from
rest, it won't fall at all.  If it starts with some velocity, it will stop
at the maximum of the parabola.  A solution would be to have it also check
for the ground level.  When I wrote Marble Madness, (
http://www.pygame.org/project/471/), for example, exploding particles hung
disturbingly in the air until I checked for the ground level (mercifully
simple, because it was flat).

Incidentally, I noticed your parameter for gravity was 9.8.  As in 9.8m/s.
I'm probably stating the obvious, but I'm guessing you're using the
framerate to calculate to motion because it's a simulation, which requires
accurate time.

Also, I suggest that you change the collision detection to: "
if ypos => 384 and velocity > 0:
    velocity = -velocity * bounce
" ("==" becomes "=>") so that you don't have the extra code.

Hope this helps,

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