The registry disabling would certainly be good except I think it only
works after a reboot :(

Apps I know that have done this install a Low Level keyboard hook
using SetWindowsHookEx, which lets you trap all keybaord events before
they get processed and block them (including system stuff).
Unfortunately this is also what keyboard loggers do, and I'm sure
would have Vista-specific difficulties (if it's still possible), so
although it would be perfect for helping your daughter play a game
without reboots to get things back to normal, it's not something that
would distribute well.

a good search for "python "SetWindowsHookEx" pointed my to "pyHook",
which seems to be able to do what you want:

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 9:39 AM, James Paige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Run your daughter's game with a batch file that first imports the .reg
>  file into the registry, and then launches the pygame application.

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