On Apr 16, 2008, at 6:36 PM, Ian Mallett wrote:
Recently, I've been having issues in all fortes of my programming experience where Python is no longer fast enough to fill the need adaquately. I really love Python and its syntax (or lack of), and all the nice modules (such as PyGame) made for it. Are there any plans to improve Python's speed to at least the level of C languages? I feel like Python is living down to its namesake's pace...

Python is slow, it is an interpreted language geared toward rapid application development at the expense of execution speed. It is also designed to be highly portable, also at the potential expense of execution speed.

That said, much effort is put into making python perform well, and it is certainly possible to make extremely fast python programs when an algorithm is available that allows you to make clever use of data structures to get the job done more efficiency. And optimization is as much about data structures as it is about code (maybe more). Python comes with some tools (cProfile in particular) that allows you to figure out where your code is spending its time so you can speed it up. Note that by removing inefficient code, or choosing a better algorithm, it is possible to get massive speedups in Python and any language.

Sometimes (especially in things like graphics and simulations) there is no magic algorithm to make things more efficient. Many times the best you can do is O(N), O(N^2) or even O(2^N). In these cases, Python runs out of steam real fast (in fact any language runs out of steam fast with O(2^N) algorithms). This is especially pronounced in games where you have to perform operations over large arrays once per frame. This is typical in 3D graphics, physics and particle systems. What you must often do in such cases is move the inner loop of these operations into native code.

The easiest way to do this is to find a native library that already performs the operations you need. This could be a generic library (like numpy) or something more specific (like pygame or ode). This is especially easy if the library already has a Python binding, if not you can make one using ctypes, pyrex or C directly. The downside here is the additional dependancies.

If nothing exists that does what you want, you'll need to write some native code yourself. First identify the slow code. Make sure there is no way to make it fast enough within Python (is there a better algorithm? etc). Then move this code into an extension, written however you prefer. Note it is fairly easy to create an extension module that defines some functions in C that can be imported into Python (especially if they just do number crunching), the most complex aspect is the memory management. Tools like pyrex can automate that for you, but don't give you as close control over the code.

But before you do any of this, do some profiling (run your game under 'python -m cProfile') and see what's taking up the time. How much time per frame do you have for game logic? Is your logic too slow or is the drawing too slow? Honestly, my biggest problem with pygame is not python being too slow, but the fill rate of SDL being too slow. I can solve the former with optimization and extensions, but the latter requires much more compromise (lower res, smaller sprites, etc). The hard reality is that the CPU is often too slow for graphics work no matter what language you use (even highly tuned SIMD asm code). That's why we have dedicated graphics hardware designed for the task. Right now SDL doesn't really take advantage of that, and that's a big limitation.


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