>Note this is not the most efficient way to do this,
>using a partitioned space you may be able to avoid
>comparing most points with one another most of the
>time. To do this in 2D you could use quad-trees, in
>3D you could use oct-trees

Just out of curiousity as a complete newbie
programmer, would you set out 2d partitioning the
screen in pygame by making say 4 invisible sprites
with rects like say:

#partition quadrants
1, 2, 3, 4 = sprites
if(while?) player collides(overlaps?) with sprite 1:
   if player collides with enemy:
       do x

or by just using x,y values:
if player x > 0 and < 24 and player y < 50 and > 0 and
player collides with enemy:
   do x

am I even understanding partitioning correctly?

please excuse these nonworking examples.


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