I played with it some more, and it looks like when py2exe builds with the
'bundle_files':1 then pygame.mixer.music is accessible and functional -
however without the bundle_files option, then the whole music not found
thing happens

so it seems like you can workaround this problem by making sure to use the
'bundle_files':1 option

I still don't know what causes this problem and I don't know why it doesn't
occur when the modules are bundled in an archive, tho

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Brian Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ... however I tried making a very minimal py2exe script for main.py, and
> making an exe with that, and the exe works fine. So it seems that finding
> out what between my minimal setup script and Keith's (or Bo's) causes this
> problem to start occurring could help pin down what exactly it is about the
> environment that py2exe creates that breaks pygame's mixer.music importing
> and/or binding
> here is the minimal script that produces a working exe for me (you have to
> manually copy the audio files tho):
> ------------------------------------------
> from distutils.core import setup
> import py2exe
> import sys
> sys.argv.append("py2exe")
> setup(windows=['main.py'],
>      options = {'py2exe': {'optimize': 2, 'bundle_files':1} },
>      zipfile=None)

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