Hi all

I've been fidling for some time with pygame on a tryout project [1],
it's a fast 2d action game.

After a while i switched the drawing code to pyopengl looking for a
litle performance boost, but i haven't got the expected results, i
have had to lower the global fps from 60 to 30 and even then, it lags
with 150-200 sprites on screen.

I know there must be something wrong with my code because  there are
more complicated things drawn with pyopengl.

This are the first lines of profiling output (switch to monospace font now ;) )
         6202178 function calls in 52.748 CPU seconds

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   148066    6.507    0.000   28.780    0.000 gl.py:114(draw)
   200620    5.532    0.000   27.806    0.000 wrapper.py:650(wrapperCall)
   200616    3.828    0.000    3.828    0.000 numpymodule.py:114(contiguous)
   200616    3.579    0.000    5.622    0.000 numpymodule.py:19(dataPointer)
   766540    2.803    0.000    3.000    0.000 error.py:167(glCheckError)
   440660    2.368    0.000    3.815    0.000 ship.py:60(_collide_bullet)

code referenced is on [1] or running > svn checkout
http://pyship.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ pyship < recomended since the
tarbal is several days old and there are some particle and sprite
especific examples on the svn

[1] - http://code.google.com/p/pyship/

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