2008/6/16 Hugo Arts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Your bottleneck might not be in your rendering code. I don't know wether
> PyOpenGL is even supposed to be much faster than pygame, but if rendering is
> not where your bottleneck is, switching will not help at all.
You are right, i'll try something like sprite pooling for particles or
something similar.

> I didn't look at the code, but in the profile it seems _collide_bullet is a
> frequently used method. Are you using a naive collision detection algorithm?
> In that case, something like a quadtree or cell-based collision detection
> approach may heavily improve the performance of your game.

The collision detection is a simple bounding spheres method using
square distances, I don't think that building a quadtree would be much
faster but I'll give it a try too when i have some time

Aniway, i believe that particles are what are making the whole thing
lag and they aren't counted for collisions, so i'll check the particle
updating methods

> Hugo

thanks for your reply

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