Damn, I'm still having problems :(

I was trying out Lenards 1376 msi + svn co -r 1376 tests. That was working fine.

Two problems solved anyway:
   16 bit display
   numpy not installed

Now the run_tests.py is crashing for me again on HEAD compiled.

AppName: python.exe     AppVer:     ModName: pixelarray.pyd
ModVer:     Offset: 000050b1

Has much changed since 1376 or is it compiling weirdness? That's the question.

I may try compiling 1376 + running tests, if the problem remains I'll know it's compiling issues. Perhaps I have different versions of dependencies or tools than Lenard?

Yeah, I think it will be worth splitting them up even it possibly makes the tests run a little slower.

Brian Fisher wrote:

BTW, I think it's great that you are splitting up the tests to be in their own process. I always thought it was very unnatural of the test runner to run all the tests in the same process - so that pygame will get init and quit and have the display surface created and all that over an over again. Not that it would be bad to have a test that tests recreating the display surface and all that - just that 99.9% of all pygame apps will be launch process, init, set mode, then process exits, so testing that model is important.

On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Nicholas Dudfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Nice Find! Thanks a million Brian.

    There must have been other tests that initialized the display and
    set the bit depth before hand implicitly.

    That must be why it worked when run independently. The
    transfrom_test themselves are probably explicit.

    Again, thanks!

    Brian Fisher wrote:

        hey Nick,
         is your desktop set to 16-bit maybe?
        I haven't looked at the test code, but if bit depth isn't
        explicitly set it will use the desktop depth

        On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 4:40 PM, Nicholas Dudfield
        <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:

           ERROR: see if the destination surface can be passed in to use.
           Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "D:\Losty\PyGame\trunk\test\transform_test.py", line
        114, in
             s2 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(s, (64,64))
           ValueError: Only 24-bit or 32-bit surfaces can be smoothly

           FAIL: test_average_surfaces (transform_test.TransformTest)
           Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "D:\Losty\PyGame\trunk\test\transform_test.py", line
        239, in
             self.assertEqual(sr.get_at((0,0)), (10,15,70,255))
           AssertionError: (8, 12, 66, 255) != (10, 15, 70, 255)

           FAIL: test_threshold_surface (transform_test.TransformTest)
           Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "D:\Losty\PyGame\trunk\test\transform_test.py", line
        145, in
             self.assertEqual(num_threshold_pixels, s1.get_height() *
           AssertionError: 0 != 1024

           Ran 264 tests in 5.703s

           FAILED (failures=2, errors=1)

           Then running transform_test.py independently:

           Ran 5 tests in 0.016s


           _What the_?

           Any ideas guys? What am I doing wrong?

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