Yes, debug print statements show the crash happens when the SDL blit funcion SDL_BlitSurface is called. Did you get a Pygame parachute or a Python interned string violation?


Nicholas Dudfield wrote:
Ok, I have been informed there is are PyGame blits not derived from SDL, so that explains that.

{pygame_AlphaBlit, pygame_Blit} from clip above looks like

Seems oblivious (sic) now it's pointed out.

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Nicholas Dudfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

I had a little play with the

    1.2.13 prebuilts


    Mingw compiled, svn r 1619


    Unmodified the test wouldn't run at all as noted earlier.

    I don't know if it's any help but I noticed after commenting out
    the "blitting screen to self" section that I could get the
    "blitting surface to self" test and "blitting surface to screen"
    to run the full 100 cycles if I instantiated the Surface `a` with
    pygame.SRCALPHA flags.

    Also, if using BLEND_RGB_ADD flags "blitting screen to self"
    worked. Also screen.copy() worked as a source... but eh.


    s.blit(s, (0,0)) works if SRCALPHA bits set for s
    screen.blit(screen, step, None, pygame.BLEND_RGB_ADD)

    Is that any help for you guys in debugging?? I have no C-fu or I
    would have a tinker myself.

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