Still confused on the difference between complex and euclid.Vector2 [ doc: ]

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Casey Duncan <> wrote:

> Here's some example code with some commonly used functions. Addition and
> subtraction are built into the complex type and work as expected (I use the
> real part

So far, this looks like euclid.Vector2. Are you doing the same thing, only
using 'real as the x component, and 'imag' as y? ( Meaning you are using
complex instead of tuple, equivalent to using vector2 instead of tuple ? )

Or, I think i'm missing something. What is the advantage to to use this over
euclid.Vector2? [ more below ]

for x and the imaginary part for y). complex multiply can be used to rotate
> vectors:

Does complex multiply behind the scenes do something like this?

    def rad2v(rad,mag=1.): # convert radians to vector with magnitude
        return mag*Vector2(cos(rad), sin(rad))

    def v2rad(v): return atan2(v.y, v.x) # convert vector to radians

    def mod_angle(v,rad): # add radians to vector's orientation
        r = v2rad(v)
        return rad2v( r, v.magnitude() )

    >>> v = rad2v( radians(142.8),2.5)
    # now equals: deg=142.8, mag=2.5, v=Vector2(-1.99, 1.51)
    >>> v = mod_angle( v, radians(3.))
    # now equals: deg=145.8, mag=2.5, v=Vector2(-2.07, 1.41)

> # 2D vectors using python complex numbers
> def radians(vector):
>        return atan2(vector.imag, vector.real)
> def unit(radians):
>        return cmath.exp(radians * 1j)
> def normal(vector):
>        L = length(vector)
>        if L == 0:
>                return vector2()
>        else:
>                return vector / L
> def clamp(vector, max_length):
>        L = length(vector)
>        if L > max_length:
>                return vector * (max_length / L)
>        else:
>                return vector

At first, this code looks the same, except there are new functions:
.radians(v) and unit(r). Radians looks like a 'convert vector to euler
radians angle'.

But whatis .unit()? I'm guessing it's to create a new unit vector in the
angle of 'radians.' But calling it with a few values, I'm not getting what I
was expecting.

Is it the equivalent of rad2v(r) for Vector2, but unit(r) does the same for
complex numbers?

> def distance(vector1, vector2):
>        return length(vector1 - vector2)This is good if the list may change
> during iteration. If you do this repeatedly in a given frame, it might be
> better to create a custom class (perhaps subclass set) that contains a
> stable set of the actors. When you add or remove, these are stored in
> ancillary sets rather than changing the stable set immediately. An update
> method called at the beginning of each frame adds and removes the items from
> the ancillary sets to update the stable set. These ancillary sets are then
> cleared. This mean less memory allocation/cleanup and work copying the lists
> class StableSet(set):
I'll try it out.

@emile: ( continued from above ), I'm trying to understand how/why complex
numbers are used.

Here is my Vector2 equivalent to your code.

It looks like you treat complex same way I treat  euclid.Vector2 ? Am I
missing something?

from euclid import Vector2
class Spaceship():
    def __init__(self, pos=Vector2(0,0), max_accel=100):
        self.pos = pos
        self.vel = Vector2(0, 0) # or'speed'. changed named to not be
confused as Scalar
        self.accel = Vector2(0, 1.) # or 'direction'
        self.boosters_on = False
        self.max_accel = max_accel

    def update(self, dt):
        if self.boosters_on:
            self.vel += self.accel * self.max_accel * dt
        self.pos += self.vel * dt

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