Marius Gedminas wrote:
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 08:04:30PM -0800, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
Marius Gedminas wrote:
Since I'm really clueless about
Numeric/numarray/numpy, please tell me if this code has any obvious

  # initialization, done once
  import pygame
  import numpy
  image = pygame.image.load('title.png')   # has an alpha channel
  mask = pygame.surfarray.array_alpha(image)

  # this is done once every frame
  array = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(image)
  alpha = 42.5 # a float varying between 1 and 255
  array[...] = (mask * alpha / 255).astype('b')
Well, alpha and 255 are both scalars, so (mask * (alpha / 255)) saves one intermediate array. Also the preferred NumPy convention is to use dtypes (data-types) rather than type characters: .astype(numpy.uint8).

I was using Numeric.UnsignedInt8 before, and couldn't find the NumPy
version of that in a hurry.  dir(array) showed me a typecode() method
which returned things like 'b', and so I tried those.

But arithmetic operations have ufunc equivalents which take an optional output array. This means the astype(), along with its intermediate array, can be removed. It probably also means the intermediate array float array goes away as well. So it is likely this alternative uses no intermediate arrays.

## array = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(image)
alpha = 42.5
## array[...] = (mask * alpha / 255).astype('b')
numpy.multiply(mask, alpha  /  255, pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(image))

Unfortunately this gives me a TypeError: return arrays must be of ArrayType

I'm guessing you have both Numeric and NumPy installed. Try


at the start. NumPy became the default only recently with 1.9.


Lenard Lindstrom

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