
Tobad that the rewrite of the pygame website wasn't accepted as a GSUC project. But I think it would be a good idea to rewrite the site anyway, since the current site is a bit outdated. Maybe someone should put up a project page (wiki?).

Here are some random ideas:
* I really like the django site, since the code is available under GPL we can base our site on that consept.
           code: http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/djangoproject.com
* I think Trac would be usefull replacement for the current wiki and viewcvs, maybe in combination with git?
* A better separation between documentation, news, projects and development.

On 21-apr-09, at 22:38, jug wrote:


Even if it was not selected as a project for GSoC, I would like to do the pygame website rewrite. Like the other applicants, I'd do that with Django. Now that there can not only be one student/participant,
it would be cool to work together and combine forces.

Since I applied for GSoC, I've already made a small concept. Merging multiple implementing-/design ideas may become difficult, but before I go into detail just say me if you are interested.


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