
very awesome of you to go ahead with this...

I read through your website... and it's got some good ideas...

It'll be cool if we can make pygame one of the best sites around in the
python scene again... the current one is from around 2005... and has been
really good so far.

Rewriting the current functionality in python first could be a good way to
go.  Once the current site is replicated, then move on to other stuff.

All the old stuff needs to be written at some point... because we need to
keep all the old urls around (including feeds).  Also it's easier for people
to work towards something that exists, rather than working towards a new

Another benefit of remaking the existing website will be to understand the
features of the current site.

Remember, the main focus of the website should be peoples projects...
especially updated projects.  With all the other stuff coming after that.

First steps are to agree on a way forward... but if we go with remaking the
existing site... we could follow this path:

- prepare html/php/sql from old site.
- get old site running outside of the main pygame.org so people can test it
- decide on which tools we are to use.  The main ones from people interested
seem to be a django, or a cherrypy based site.
- start writing the models for the various tables, and data types in
existing site (eg, project, user, wiki page, etc).
- collect a list of existing urls.
- collect a list of existing functionality.
- collect a list of html/php pages to convert to templates.
- start working on list of functionality, and templates until it is
- put site up for people to test on a test domain.... eg test.pygame.org
- replace existing website on pygame.org, and make sure it works ok.
- END.  then can work on adding new stuff.

We can even make some basic functional tests to start with based on the
output of existing urls.  eg, grab the html from a wiki page from the
existing site, and then compare it to our new website.

Also, is it possible to do this at google code instead?

What does everyone think of this?


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:35 AM, jug <j...@fantasymail.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> to organize the development process, I've set up a SVN-repo and a small
> Trac at http://pygameweb.no-ip.org/trac/
> You'll find there a first concept and you can take part in developing
> it by adding your ideas. Some of the point are completely to work out,
> so just have a look. If you have a complete concept for one of the
> points (eg the design) create a new wiki page and add a link.
> If you would like to participate in developing, add yourself to the list
> on the start page and provide some information like I did.
> I've done the setup on the quick so if there are any problems with Trac
> or you need more rights, please email me.
> Regards,
> Jug

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