Hi Tyler,

I'm going to be your main mentor, with Marcus, and Nirav being

To start preparing for your work, here's a few things you can do...

- make sure you can compile pygame.
    -  see the wiki for instructions for your platform(s)
        - http://pygame.org/wiki/Compilation
    - as pygame is multi platform, you'll have to work on multiplatforms
        - prepare a separate platform to work on if you can.  Like setting
up linux if you don't have it already.
            - not entirely necessary, but it'd make things easier for

- set up your blog, which you'll be writing about your project as you go.
    - mark related posts with tags pygame, python, gsoc2009
    - add your blog to this wiki page:
        - http://www.pygame.org/wiki/rsslinks
    - email the pygame mailing list about your blog (once you have at least
one related post).
    - email the soc2009-general with your blog details, and ask them to list
your blog on soc.python.org.
    - if you don't have a blog already, you can set up a free one with
blogspot.com or wordpress.com.

- prepare a reading list.
    - start looking at some related materials to read.
        - like for ffmpeg, read through some of the development mailing
list, and development docs etc.
    - if you haven't used svn before much, read some of the svn book.

- svn commit access.
    - I'll have this arranged.
    - first, post a patch to some small change to the mailing list, with svn
diff > your-patch.diff


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Tyler Laing <trinio...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I just wanted to thank everyone that worked on helping me and others with
> our applications, and I also wanted to thank all the people that worked hard
> on approving the applications. Your efforts are appreciated. :)
> On that note, I was wondering who would be my mentor, for my project?
> -Tyler Laing
> --
> Visit my blog at http://oddco.ca/zeroth/zblog

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