
Okay, I am able to compile pygame on my linux desktop, and I've run into
some issues with compiling for the windows guest vm I have. I already had my
own blog, which I've made a relevant post on(as you can see from the posts
to here and to soc2009-general). I've also added my blog to the relevant
pygame page. I have plenty of experience with svn, so thats not an issue.

My issue with compiling pygame is an error I'm getting from msys, for which
I've included a screenshot. I used the msys automatic installer, and the
mingw automatic installer, but those don't seem to be an issue. The error
says that it "Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 6" when
sh.exe was executed.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:50 PM, René Dudfield <> wrote:

> Hi Tyler,
> I'm going to be your main mentor, with Marcus, and Nirav being
> backup/co-mentors.
> To start preparing for your work, here's a few things you can do...
> - make sure you can compile pygame.
>     -  see the wiki for instructions for your platform(s)
>         -
>     - as pygame is multi platform, you'll have to work on multiplatforms
> too.
>         - prepare a separate platform to work on if you can.  Like setting
> up linux if you don't have it already.
>             - not entirely necessary, but it'd make things easier for
> yourself.
> - set up your blog, which you'll be writing about your project as you go.
>     - mark related posts with tags pygame, python, gsoc2009
>     - add your blog to this wiki page:
>         -
>     - email the pygame mailing list about your blog (once you have at least
> one related post).
>     - email the soc2009-general with your blog details, and ask them to
> list your blog on
>     - if you don't have a blog already, you can set up a free one with
> or
> - prepare a reading list.
>     - start looking at some related materials to read.
>         - like for ffmpeg, read through some of the development mailing
> list, and development docs etc.
>     - if you haven't used svn before much, read some of the svn book.
> - svn commit access.
>     - I'll have this arranged.
>     - first, post a patch to some small change to the mailing list, with
> svn diff > your-patch.diff
> cheers,
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Tyler Laing <> wrote:
>> I just wanted to thank everyone that worked on helping me and others with
>> our applications, and I also wanted to thank all the people that worked hard
>> on approving the applications. Your efforts are appreciated. :)
>> On that note, I was wondering who would be my mentor, for my project?
>> -Tyler Laing
>> --
>> Visit my blog at

Visit my blog at

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