jug wrote:


using Trac with google SVN is not directly provided, but could be done. You need to mirror the repo on the server where Trac is running on. Because you have
no access to SVN-hook scripts at google it's a bit tricky. Have a look at
http://rc98.net/googsvnsync. I'm not a SVN expert so who could undertake this?

We are still waiting for the current database structure, but I think it will be possible to import old wiki data. At http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/script are some scripts to import wiki data from other wikis (eg. MoinToTrac). I think we could
write an equal script.

- Jug
Not having direct google SVN access from Trac is not a big deal. And certainly something can be figured out with for the wiki pages. It is not a new problem.

Lenard Lindstrom

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