
I suggest using the current one - rewritten in python, and fixing that bug.
I think that's the only code mangling bug it has?

Yeah, the code in the wiki is probably best described as non-strict html...
or just html... which is not strict itself.  The wiki does some sanitising
on the html after entry.  It's only a few lines of code to add a gui editor
like tinymce... so we could add that for those who don't want to use markup.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:52 AM, Lenard Lindstrom <le...@telus.net> wrote:

> Hi René,
> I don't know about Trac's tracking system but I find bugzilla difficult as
> it requires report generation. How to get a listing of recent bugs is not
> obvious.
> The html markup in the current wiki is not strict XHTML. We do want the new
> site to generate properly formed XHTML pages, or am I mistaken. Also Python
> code gets mangled, '<' replaced with '&lt;' for <code> sections. This is
> probably a data entry problem though. But whatever wiki engine is chosen it
> has to handle this properly. Trac does. Do any of the html tag wikis handle
> it right? What alternate wiki do you suggest?
> Lenard
> René Dudfield wrote:
>> hi,
>> the main way we do bugs with pygame is through the mailing list.  The
>> internet is a bug tracker.
>> I wrote a blog post about the reasons why the mailing list is good, and
>> what 'the internet is a bug tracker' means:
>> http://renesd.blogspot.com/2008/02/bugs-search-not-categorise.html
>> I personally think trac is a bit rubbish, and have been happy with James
>> Paige hosting bugzilla for us.
>> The current pygame wiki just uses simple html.  So should be fairly
>> straight forward to convert... or we could just leave it in html.  Since
>> most programmers know html anyway... way more than trac markup.

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