Hi Lorenz,

Could you try dropping in SVN rev 1912 of transform.c instead. This predates the Python 3 updates. This is kind of reaching, but it will narrow down the search.



Lorenz Quack wrote:

Hi again,

you figured this out yet?

not 100% but at least now I get it to compile by following your advice:
Easiest way to work around it...
  Comment out import transform lines in the file:


Perhaps try commenting out the sse/mmx parts?

that seems to be the problem. If I comment out

#       include "scale_mmx64.c"

in "scale_mmx.c" it compiles. if I import pygame the interpreter naturally complains about undefined symbols but as long as I don't use the transform module it seems to work this way as well. of course this is not a solution.

For debugging purposes I tried to remove all SSE/MMX code and simply implement
empty dummy functions like this:

void filter_shrink_X_MMX(Uint8 *srcpix, Uint8 *dstpix, int height, int srcpitch,
                         int dstpitch, int srcwidth, int dstwidth) {}

that also crashed. I find this very confusing and frustrating. So I settle with
the work around for now.

thanks again for the help and if I can help with some debug information or if you
have any ideas let me know.


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