
We are still working on the pygame website rewrite. I'm currently implementing a snippets app that should replace the cookbook section in the wiki. The code is handled as code, apart from the description. Thus, you can download the snippets directly as .py file. Then, its easier for everyone (who has an account) to add new snippets, to find useful snippets
and to remember them.

Since comments will be reserved for registered users, number of spam comments and other waste content should decrease a lot. For the rest, we may have something like "mark as spam"
buttons, so you can tell the site admins directly if you notice any spam.

Documentation is another problem. I think, with the website rewrite, also the docs should modernized. AFAIK, The current system is something self-made that uses documentation thats already written in html. It blends htms and stlyle to one html file, so it is quite impossible to change the style or to include it to the rest of the site. I don't know how the comments work, but it looks not good. As well, it would be better to have some kind of api access or at least methodical urls to access documentation programmatically form the rest of the site, the apis or even the attached
irc bot.

I don't know about all the possible documentation systems and generators, but sphinx[1] may be adequate. Further on, I'm not sure if documentation should include comments. I think it would be better to use the snippets section to show really useful code snippets (we could link against them from the online docs) and for other stuff the wiki. If there is really sth. missing in the docs, it should be added to them, so also users who download the docs an read it offline should see these additions.

Next (maybe pre-final) testing phase will come soon,
including the new snippets app and much more.



[1] http://sphinx.pocoo.org/

Paulo Silva wrote:
otherwise, it's extremelly important Pygame being plenty of small
snippets, and having them on places like wiki or www.pygame.org/docs/
is extremelly important, specially for newbies like me

On 7/27/09, Paulo Silva <nitrofur...@gmail.com> wrote:
i don't know... maybe Pete Shinners?

On 7/27/09, Horst JENS <horst.j...@chello.at> wrote:
Am Sonntag, den 26.07.2009, 22:06 +0100 schrieb Paulo Silva:
would be great if we can notify them for the administrator removing
them - if we allow anyone to remove everything, the same spammers may
wish to remove very useful information we waste our precious time on
posting them...
who is the official wiki admin to notify ?


Horst JENS

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