thank you! i hope soon being able to share snippets there, and
learning easier from what will be find there! would be awesome! thanks
indeed! :)

On 7/28/09, jug <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are still working on the pygame website rewrite. I'm currently
> implementing a snippets
> app that should replace the cookbook section in the wiki. The code is
> handled as code,
> apart from the description. Thus, you can download the snippets directly
> as .py file. Then,
> its easier for everyone (who has an account) to add new snippets, to
> find useful snippets
> and to remember them.
> Since comments will be reserved for registered users, number of spam
> comments and other
> waste content should decrease a lot. For the rest, we may have something
> like "mark as spam"
> buttons, so you can tell the site admins directly if you notice any spam.
> Documentation is another problem. I think, with the website rewrite,
> also the docs should
> modernized. AFAIK, The current system is something self-made that uses
> documentation thats
> already written in html. It blends htms and stlyle to one html file, so
> it is quite impossible to change
> the style or to include it to the rest of the site. I don't know how the
> comments work, but it looks not
> good. As well, it would be better to have some kind of api access or at
> least methodical urls to
> access documentation programmatically form the rest of the site, the
> apis or even the attached
> irc bot.
> I don't know about all the possible documentation systems and
> generators, but sphinx[1] may be
> adequate. Further on, I'm not sure if documentation should include
> comments. I think it would be
> better to use the snippets section to show really useful code snippets
> (we could link against them
> from the online docs) and for other stuff the wiki. If there is really
> sth. missing in the docs, it should
> be added to them, so also users who download the docs an read it offline
> should see these additions.
> Next (maybe pre-final) testing phase will come soon,
> including the new snippets app and much more.
> Regards
> Julian
> [1]
> Paulo Silva wrote:
>> otherwise, it's extremelly important Pygame being plenty of small
>> snippets, and having them on places like wiki or
>> is extremelly important, specially for newbies like me
>> On 7/27/09, Paulo Silva <> wrote:
>>> i don't know... maybe Pete Shinners?
>>> On 7/27/09, Horst JENS <> wrote:
>>>> Am Sonntag, den 26.07.2009, 22:06 +0100 schrieb Paulo Silva:
>>>>> would be great if we can notify them for the administrator removing
>>>>> them - if we allow anyone to remove everything, the same spammers may
>>>>> wish to remove very useful information we waste our precious time on
>>>>> posting them...
>>>> who is the official wiki admin to notify ?
>>>> -Horst
>>>> --
>>>> Horst JENS

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