I have another pygame2 problem. This code doesn't give me any errors, but it
doesn't give me the circle I asked for, either:

    red = pygame2.Color (255, 0, 0)
>     black = pygame2.Color (0, 0, 0)
>     shape_size = (250, 250)
>     video.init()
>     screen = video.set_mode(500,500)
>     screen.fill(red)
>     circle_surface = video.Surface(shape_size)
>     circle_surface.fill(red)
>     gfx.filled_circle(circle_surface, (20,20), 40, black)
>     circle_surface.flip()
>     screen.blit(circle_surface, (25, 25))
>     screen.flip()

Is the problem with my code or with my installation?

Evan Kroske
The code, comments, and challenges of a novice
software developer desperate for attention.

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