
I've seen that in some platforms pygame is using Numeric and not numpy
as default for surfarray module (and probably sndarray, not checked).

pygame docs [0] says that:

"The default will be numpy, if installed. Otherwise, Numeric will be
set as default if installed. If neither numpy nor Numeric are
installed, the module will raise an ImportError. "

I see in What's New:
[SVN 1871-1879] Jan 25, 2009
    Completing the process to actually have numpy be the default.

And efectively it seems that as pygame 1.9.x it is fixed, so i am only
adding a test case patch to make sure it is fixed:

class SurfarrayModuleTest2(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_default_numpy(self):
                import numpy
                import Numeric
        except ImportError:
                return # If numpy or Numeric is not installed this test has no 
        self.failIf(pygame.surfarray.get_arraytype() == 'numeric')

Note that its needed no add the function in another unittest class
because the setUp method of SurfarrayModuleTest "hardcodes" the
arraytype (just take a look at surfarray_test.py to get what i am
talking about).


[0] http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/surfarray.html

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