I *did* create the images with Gimp, and they do have transparent
backgrounds. (Did you view the image link I posted?)

I have used colorkeys in the past, but the problem here is that there are
semi-transparent (not fully opaque) pixels in the images (again see the
image I linked to), and when you draw these images to newly created surfaces
(ie new = pygame.Surface(); new.blit(loadedimage)) the pixels are no longer
transparent. Hence why I need to create surfaces with completely transparent
backgrounds, instead of the default black.

Here's my code for reference:

import os

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *


def load_image(filename):
    if filename not in IMAGE_CACHE:
        img = pygame.image.load(os.path.join("data",
        IMAGE_CACHE[filename] = img
    return IMAGE_CACHE[filename]

def load_strip(filename, width):
    imgs = []
    img = load_image(filename)
    for x in range(img.get_width()/width):
        *i = pygame.Surface((width, img.get_height()))***
        *i.blit(img, (-x*width, 0))*
    return imgs


On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Henrique Nakashima <
henrique.nakash...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Transparency is often a problem because image editors and viewers not
> always display the same sorts of transparency.
> To create a transparent background, load it from an image with
> transparency. Png supports it, but not all png editors do. I managed to get
> transparency done by using GIMP (http://www.gimp.org/). In this editor,
> you need to add a transparency channel to the image, select the part that
> you want to be transparent and delete it (with the Delete key). This usually
> does the trick, but people more experient with image editing might have
> better ways.
> Pygame can also do transparency by using color keys, which means defining a
> specific RGB color that will represent transparent pixel.  In your example,
> that would be white (0, 0, 0). Use
> http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/surface.html#Surface.set_colorkey for this
> kind of transparency.
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 22:46, pymike <pymik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a function that loads image 
>> strips<http://pymike.pynguins.com/downloads/player-run.png>and returns the 
>> images in lists. To do this, I create new surfaces and blit
>> the strips to them at an offset.
>> My question is: Is there a way to create surfaces with transparent
>> backgrounds? The images have quite a bit of semi-transparent pixels in them,
>> so I can't use colorkeys.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> - pymike

- pymike

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