I have seen a troubling error for some time now.
Occasionally I get a segmentation error with no indication of what
went wrong. The error is not repeatable in a reliable way and I get
no error trace. Repeating the error can take hours.

After seeing this I have tried to pin down, with the debugger running,
what's going wrong but the nearest I can get is that the event object
gets turned into a long at different times.

Running with a debugger I got this trace. I have included the calling
line were you can see that the event seem to be correct, but at some
point the event object seem to become corrupted.
Included is also the code between the call and the eventual point
of error. I am at loss at what may be going wrong.


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_1.4.7.2843\pysrc\pydevd.py", line 881, in <module>
   debugger.run(setup['file'], None, None)
File "C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev.debug_1.4.7.2843\pysrc\pydevd.py", line 710, in run
   execfile(file, globals, locals) #execute the script
File "C:\Projekt\eclipse\Pyos\Program\Solitaire\solitaire.py", line 761, in <module>
File "C:\Projekt\eclipse\Pyos\Program\Solitaire\solitaire.py", line 80, in main
   if screen.main_loop(app):
File "C:\Projekt\eclipse\Pyos\System\widgets\gui.py", line 328, in main_loop
   = self.mouse_button_up(event, mob_pos, mousemove)
File "C:\Projekt\eclipse\Pyos\System\widgets\gui.py", line 573, in mouse_button_up
   if event.button == 1:
AttributeError: 'long' object has no attribute 'button'

elif event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP:
    mob_pos, mousemove, mouse_pos, hit_pos \
                = self.mouse_button_up(event, mob_pos, mousemove)

   def mouse_button_up(self, event, mob_pos, mousemove):
       ''' handle mouse button up events'''
       mousebtn_event = False
       mouse_pos = event.pos
       widget, hit_pos = self.mouse_hit_widget(mouse_pos[0],
       if widget is None or not widget.enabled:
           self.moving_object = None
           self.repeating_object = None
           self.last_over_drop_widget = None
           event_data = {'hit_pos':hit_pos, 'over_widget':widget}
           event_data['gui'] = self
           if widget and widget.exists('event_click_release_data'):
           #InsideButton  (Left)
           if event.button == 1:

   def mouse_hit_widget(self, hit_pos_x, hit_pos_y, draged_widget=None,
dropreciever=False, mouse_down=False, mouse_over=False):
       ''' Return the first valid widget under the mouse pointer'''
       widget_hit, hit_pos = _mouse_hit_widget(self, hit_pos_x, hit_pos_y,
draged_widget, dropreciever)
       if not widget_hit is None:
           modal_lock = widget_hit.app.get_modal()
           if modal_lock:
               if modal_lock.close_on_focuschange\
               and not (modal_lock in widget_hit.get_actionpath())\
               and mouse_down:
                   #Close the modal widget if something else
                   # is being clicked. Popups, such as menues f.ex,
                   #  would have this behaviour.
                   event_data = {'mouse_over':widget_hit,
               elif not (widget_hit is modal_lock) \
               and not (mouse_over and modal_lock.close_on_focuschange):
                   if not (modal_lock in widget_hit.get_actionpath()):
                       widget_hit = None
       return widget_hit, hit_pos

def _mouse_hit_widget(wid, hit_pos_x, hit_pos_y, draged_widget=None,
   ''' Loop until a valid widget is under the mouse pointer'''
   hit_pos_x -= wid.rect.left
   hit_pos_y -= wid.rect.top
   widget_hit = None
   hit_pos = False
   for widget in wid.widgets[::-1]:
       if widget.rect.top <= hit_pos_y \
       and widget.rect.bottom > hit_pos_y \
       and widget.rect.left <= hit_pos_x \
       and widget.rect.right > hit_pos_x\
       and widget.visible \
       and widget.visible_to_hit \
       and widget != draged_widget:
           if widget.widgets:
               widget_hit, hit_pos = _mouse_hit_widget(widget, hit_pos_x,
hit_pos_y, draged_widget,
               if widget_hit:
           if dropreciever:
               if not hasattr(widget, 'dropreciever')\
               or widget.dropreciever != True:
           if widget.image and not type(widget.image) == type(True):
               _image_offset = (hit_pos_x - widget.rect.left,
                                 hit_pos_y - widget.rect.top)
               if widget.flags & PIXELALPHA:
                   if widget.image.get_at(_image_offset)[3] != 0:
                       if not widget.image.get_colorkey() is None:
                           if widget.image.get_at(_image_offset) !=\
                               widget_hit = widget
                           widget_hit = widget
                       if widget_hit and hasattr(widget, 'on_hit_image'):
                           widget_hit = widget.on_hit_image(_image_offset)
               elif not widget.image.get_colorkey() is None:
                   if widget.image.get_at(_image_offset) !=\
                       widget_hit = widget
                   widget_hit = widget
               if hasattr(widget, 'paper'):
                   widget_hit = widget
           if widget_hit:
               hit_pos = (hit_pos_x - widget_hit.rect.left,
                           hit_pos_y - widget_hit.rect.top)
   if not widget_hit and isinstance(wid, Gui):
       widget_hit = wid
       hit_pos = (hit_pos_x, hit_pos_y)
   return widget_hit, hit_pos

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