Why not just let Pygame load the font itself?

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Bryce Schroeder

> (My apologies if this is a double-post. I didn't get a copy of the
> message or see it in the archive, so I'm trying again.)
>  I have a pygame program that worked in the past on both Linux and
> Windows, but now results in a segfault, at least on Linux.  (I can't
> test it on Windows.)
> The segfault occurs in this code:
> class Font(Resource):
>  ....
>   def pygame_font(self,size):
>       return pygame.font.Font(StringIO.StringIO(self.parts['font']),
> size) # Segfaults here
> self.parts['font'] is a string containing a truetype font loaded from
> a file. I have checked that the string contains the file like it is
> supposed too. Any suggestions?

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