B W wrote:
I like the aesthetics of your redesign, and the layout is very


I'm curious to see if your conversion will fix HTML-wrapping
issues like this: http://www.pygame.org/wiki/2DVectorClass. And
whether project screenshots will be ported and the default N/A images
will be replaced.

I don't see any errors there.
Since the pygame developers who run pygame.org are not interested in the website, it will (probably) run as a individual website, independent of pygame.org (if anyone is interested, email me). In this case, it will not migrate any data from pygame.org. We did not migrate screenshots for the demo cause its just a lot of data (of course it would be possible).

One content-related feedback. This occurs on the following converted
"snippet" from the Pygame Code Repository.


The original distribution bundles files critical to the code's
function. While your converstion exposes the code for convenient
viewing--a very nice touch--it seems to have lost the other
components: an image file, and POV files if anyone should want to dig
into the 3D image with POV. I predict this would be a frustrating
discovery for anyone wishing to see the code in action.

I do not know how many are like this, but I'm sure you would want to
follow up on it, in the spirit of insuring converted content is
"either unchanged or improved". :)

There are a few snippets that have additional data like images or extra files with it. Normally, Snippets (on pygWeb) are just code and maybe some explanatory text. Thus, migrating additional files it not possible (when using a converter script). Of course these extra data may be important. Not for the demo, but for a productive usage. The problem is, that there is no option for normal users to attach any files to snippets (which is, I think, basically appropriate). So these snippets either have to work without additional data or host this data somewhere else and link to it or use the wiki that allows attachments (but is not meant for code hosting).

Devon Scott-Tunkin wrote:
I can't remember right now if the code was using different templates than the rest of the site.

Yes, the "code" tab is the one handled by Trac (with its own templates and style sheets).

-- Julian

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