I have this crazy idea of making a "pygame community platform" to make
distributing/finding/testing/installing pygames simpler.

For end users, it would be a program to install, maybe called
something like "PygamePlatform". It would provide a graphical user
for the ubuntu platform to begin with, since that is what I'm using.
It would feature search/install/uninstall/run interaction.

Installing would mean downloading .py+bin files and placing them in a
PygamePlatform local "games pool". Thus uninstalling is as easy as

GUI: Much like Ubuntus add programs, combined with the start menu.

The database of pygames would reside on some wiki-like web page, so
pygame-developers could easily add their creations without any updates
to the PygamePlatform-installations out there.

Of course this is a great deal of work, but provided it does
PygamePlatform could be ported to Windows, Mac etc. without any
changes to the wiki-database or the games themselves.

Feedback? Is there earlier projects that has tried (and failed) doing
this kind of thing?


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