Hi Olof,

Olof Bjarnason wrote:
I have this crazy idea of making a "pygame community platform" to make
distributing/finding/testing/installing pygames simpler.
Interesting idea.

For end users, it would be a program to install, maybe called
something like "PygamePlatform". It would provide a graphical user
for the ubuntu platform to begin with, since that is what I'm using.
It would feature search/install/uninstall/run interaction.

What do you do with dependencies? Include them to your game source?
Or add some often used 3rd party packages as extra projects?

Installing would mean downloading .py+bin files and placing them in a
PygamePlatform local "games pool". Thus uninstalling is as easy as
Rene is working on something like this, but I think its more for bin files
including python and all dependencies. So for people who do not know
python etc. but want to play your games. Is that what you want to do or
just making it easier for people with python to find and install pygame

GUI: Much like Ubuntus add programs, combined with the start menu.
A GUI wouldn't be a problem I think.

The database of pygames would reside on some wiki-like web page, so
pygame-developers could easily add their creations without any updates
to the PygamePlatform-installations out there.

Of course this is a great deal of work, but provided it does
PygamePlatform could be ported to Windows, Mac etc. without any
changes to the wiki-database or the games themselves.

Depends on what existing tools and libs you use/ what you want to do
You could also just write a wrapper for easy_install with a
project filter/ own db with project names, a nice GUI and some additional
game informations.

Feedback? Is there earlier projects that has tried (and failed) doing
this kind of thing?
Well, there is a pygame community platform/website with project listing:


Its still a beta/rc version, but it has an api (actually two: XMLRPC and REST,
see the "more"-tab) that allows you to get some (maybe more soon) data
about the projects. Currently you could use it for a "check for updates/newer version" inside your games/programs. It also gives you the download urls for
bin and source files (if available).

So if people would add their games to pypi and insert a game description and
pypi-url/-name on the website, only the GUI would be left to do.



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